Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today was a day like all the other ones. Then again, time does not really exist so maybe they seem to all run together sometimes for that reason. Time is just a concept humans made to help measure and keep track of the weather. If you look at the world without time you will see it like me! Energy is in different forms; packed together or it can be loose and wild like gases. The energy is constantly changing forms and reacting which makes everything look like it is going crazy.

If you see the world this way it can be enlightening because everything seems so simple. Or you can take it another way and get scared because you realize how simple the universe really is and that there is no possible chance to time travel. I personally have seen it both ways and I enjoy it now. So! Time is not real, it is a measurement of the way energy moves and changes. That is my little theory for you to chew on for a bit. By the way, Dark Side of the Moon's "Time" describes time beautifully : )

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