Friday, April 23, 2010


I just finished writing a program for my bot in my intro to computing class. The bot can only turn left and move straight so it is a pain to get it to do what you need it to. I sat in class and tried to listen the previous week but it was so hard to when I knew we are so close to the end of the semester. I think that bots will one day take over the world like they do in the Matrix. This rur-ple programming is the begginning of the end of the world.

One day a robot war will consume the world and we will black out the sky to keep the robots from powering themselves. They will then harvest humans of all creatures, to get their power. Every generation the robots will allow the people to build a city called Zion and one day a man called The One will come to change the world. He will rewrite our mistakes. He will be really good at Rur-Ple and can program eveerything in a class.

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