Monday, April 26, 2010

My 10th Post

So I am finally on my final post for Intro. to Computing. It really was a great class. I went in there expecting to get an easy A and not learn much of anything. Instead, I found myself learning a lot about computing. I now understand Microsoft programs well and I feel more confident. Thankfully, I do not have to take the final but I did work hard and not miss very many assignments.

If you are reading this.. you did a great job as a professor with a bunch of students facebooking and what not during class. You stayed focused and it really was a cool class. The class projects kept me interested and paying attention so I did not get lost. Thanks!

Zach Galifianakis

My favorite comedian right now is Zach Galifianakis. I am going to talk about him now. You may know Zach from the Hangover... he is the bearded chubby one. I just think he is the funniest man to have ever lived. His humor is not just dumb, it is brilliant. It may seem dumb at first but all the jokes have some meaning to them that most people just do not understand. He can dance pretty well too which is sweet. I saw a show of him before he was chubby like he is today and he could put some moves on!

He can also play piano and make jokes on the spot. They say the best comedians are considered geniuses. There are problem solving geniuses and then there are "on the spot" or "improv" genius minds. Comedians are improv geniuses. It really is insane to be as smart as these people. Zach puts on this charachter all the time that he does not care about anything and is a real asshole to people but he does it all for fun. He also has charachters where he is a worried little man. You should all give him a google some day!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today was a day like all the other ones. Then again, time does not really exist so maybe they seem to all run together sometimes for that reason. Time is just a concept humans made to help measure and keep track of the weather. If you look at the world without time you will see it like me! Energy is in different forms; packed together or it can be loose and wild like gases. The energy is constantly changing forms and reacting which makes everything look like it is going crazy.

If you see the world this way it can be enlightening because everything seems so simple. Or you can take it another way and get scared because you realize how simple the universe really is and that there is no possible chance to time travel. I personally have seen it both ways and I enjoy it now. So! Time is not real, it is a measurement of the way energy moves and changes. That is my little theory for you to chew on for a bit. By the way, Dark Side of the Moon's "Time" describes time beautifully : )


So it is raining outside right now as I procrastinate doing my speech for tomorrow. I have been putting this off forever and now it is time to face my turn to go. At first, speaking was pretty hard for me at the beginning of the semester. However, now the speaking is easier and I feel comfortable when it is my turn to go. I don't get nervous any more and I never thought I would see myself getting through this class at first. In fact, the entire class has gotten better.

I hope that I can speak in front of other groups after this class is done. I know I will be in the future at some point. At my other school, we did not need to take this class so I never worried about it. I just get nervous. My mind perceieves people as threats when I get up there. I do believe all this has gone away though and I feel way more confident with myself. I can even remember being nervous in highschool about this stuff. For some reason i decided to tell a story in my senior english class that was a little deep and I freaked out. Ever since that day I would get nervous but not anymore! It is a new time! A new more confident me! I am finally finding myself and my place and it feels so good.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I just finished writing a program for my bot in my intro to computing class. The bot can only turn left and move straight so it is a pain to get it to do what you need it to. I sat in class and tried to listen the previous week but it was so hard to when I knew we are so close to the end of the semester. I think that bots will one day take over the world like they do in the Matrix. This rur-ple programming is the begginning of the end of the world.

One day a robot war will consume the world and we will black out the sky to keep the robots from powering themselves. They will then harvest humans of all creatures, to get their power. Every generation the robots will allow the people to build a city called Zion and one day a man called The One will come to change the world. He will rewrite our mistakes. He will be really good at Rur-Ple and can program eveerything in a class.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today is the Day

Today is the day I get things done. I am going to complete a blog, eat food, study, shower, fix my crackling throat. The past few days I was sick and it was hard to stay awake and active but now I feel like I am ready to take life by the horns.

Why do we always feel like we need to get things done all the time? If we are not doing anything we sometimes worry about the future and what we will have to do. We bounce from worry to worry until we are pretty much done on the planet. What I basically am saying is.. who gives a shit haha Everyone has there own little worries and now I look at it all and think.. who really cares any more? haha We are all like mice looking for cheese in a maze and don't even realize it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

spring season

It has been a long time since my last post! Life is good, allergies are on the rise and I can barely breathe. It is spring training for soccer though which is a good thing. We play 4 days out of the week. I miss doing drills though. They make me a sharper player but we just do not really do them here.

I hope in the future I will be a starter on the team. I have really only been playing for 2 weeks with them and I expect so much out of myself. Hopefully, I can come back in top shape and shock everybody in the Fall. The team won't even know whats coming! It is exciting to have soccer in my life again.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I could not sleep last night. I laid down and started to get sicker as the night went on. Tossing and turning i finally let out a cough at 2 in the morning after laying for hours. Oh no! I pondered how in the world this had happened. How did I get sick the night before speech day in class? Luckily I woke up and all is fine. I feel tired and I have a headache but I am ready to take on the day of classes then attempt to get more sleep. This entire blog seems to be the rambling of a tired young man.

Since my last blog, life at this small college has gotten better and better. I am finally settled in and have met some really good people. Hopefully my next blog will make more sense and will actually be more interesting. Goodbye!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


There is white rain everywhere I look. Classes are not cancelled and professors are risking their lives on the roads just to get to class and teach me things. I respect that. As I walk around campus I see every student is sufferng from the cold tundra. We all yearn to see a green scenery. Right now I sit in my computer class.. listening to my professor and at the same time I am blogging about how I am upset he had to drive here. I do not mind being here myself, it is my professor's safety I am worried about. On top of all this, I have been teaching myself to not worry about anything. A book called On the Road has been helping me with this goal. It is a classic! You should pick it up if you get bored. Instead of jumping from worry to worry day by day year by year.. I am just jumping around free without worry. It really is ddifferent from most of or worried society haha!

Have a swell day!

Friday, February 5, 2010

My First Time Giggity

It is February 5, 2010 and this is my first blog. I never really believed in blogging because
I would rather write a diary or something not electronic. An electronic diary just does not
seem as legendary as a book with a lock and key, giggity. Hopefully, the blog turns into
something to write down my secret thoughts that are not so secret when posted on the
internet. Everyone can comment too on what they think about my first time blogging the
internet giggity. My thoughts you may ask? A big snow storm is coming, giggity. My first
since leaving Florida a year ago so I am getting mentally prepared for the planet Hoth
scenery. I need one of those animals.. wampa? Something I can ride around and get
inside giggity. This blogging thing is getting fun now haha I will write again!

So long!
- Quagmire wannabe