Wednesday, February 10, 2010


There is white rain everywhere I look. Classes are not cancelled and professors are risking their lives on the roads just to get to class and teach me things. I respect that. As I walk around campus I see every student is sufferng from the cold tundra. We all yearn to see a green scenery. Right now I sit in my computer class.. listening to my professor and at the same time I am blogging about how I am upset he had to drive here. I do not mind being here myself, it is my professor's safety I am worried about. On top of all this, I have been teaching myself to not worry about anything. A book called On the Road has been helping me with this goal. It is a classic! You should pick it up if you get bored. Instead of jumping from worry to worry day by day year by year.. I am just jumping around free without worry. It really is ddifferent from most of or worried society haha!

Have a swell day!

Friday, February 5, 2010

My First Time Giggity

It is February 5, 2010 and this is my first blog. I never really believed in blogging because
I would rather write a diary or something not electronic. An electronic diary just does not
seem as legendary as a book with a lock and key, giggity. Hopefully, the blog turns into
something to write down my secret thoughts that are not so secret when posted on the
internet. Everyone can comment too on what they think about my first time blogging the
internet giggity. My thoughts you may ask? A big snow storm is coming, giggity. My first
since leaving Florida a year ago so I am getting mentally prepared for the planet Hoth
scenery. I need one of those animals.. wampa? Something I can ride around and get
inside giggity. This blogging thing is getting fun now haha I will write again!

So long!
- Quagmire wannabe